MultiMedia Logic
MultiMedia Logic is a logic circuit designer and simulator. It was created many years ago (originally on Windows 95!) for educational purposes, that is, teaching digital logic and the fundamentals of computer engineering, but it is a sophisticated piece of software allowing for the design and simulation of very complex devices.
It is a cherished part of my childhood and I am enormously grateful to George Mills of Softronics (author of the much more famous MSW Logo) for creating it and making it available online. I spent countless hours with this application, learning and building things. Judging from the many contraptions and tutorials available on the web, I am not alone.

The original code is not maintained anymore. I forked it in 2018, refreshed the code and added some devices and quality-of-life improvements.
- Refresh: the source now builds on modern versions of Windows and Visual Studio (2015 or later editions).
- Code cleanup: I changed some bad or deprecated constructs, fixed most warnings, removed outdated assembly code.
- Device cleanup: I removed the CPU I/O devices, as modern versions of Windows do not allow direct access to CPU I/O ports.
- Shared memory mode: memory blocks referring to the same file can optionally share their run-time storage. Writes on one block will then be visible from the others. This is useful when different pages in a project need access to the same memory space.
- Multi-bit signals: signal senders and receivers can be configured to be 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bits wide. Wiring a large bus between different pages is now easier.
- Ring and twisted-ring counter: counter devices can be configured to work in ring and twisted-ring (a.k.a. Johnson counter) modes. This can simplify the circuit for some state machines.